I Don't Know if You Heard, but Jason Momoa Is Hot...Also, I Watched SEE
I mean…
I just finished season two of See on Apple TV, and although I have many questions there is one thing I know for sure :
Jason Momoa is hot.
If this comes as a surprise to you, I honestly don’t know who you are and I’d love to hear from you.
I mean, even Fortune Feimster talks about how sexy he is in her act, and my lesbian friend once told me, “if I ever wanted to have a child with a man, I would hope it was Jason Momoa.”
If this isn’t enough proof, the man inspired me to write an entire novel (soon to be a trilogy) about an extraterrestrial posing as a Roman Centurion who impregnates the “Virgin Mary” and is the son of God.
I KNOW, amazing right? I’d watch that movie on repeat just to see that man in armor. More armor. Again and again.
So as I work on my review of the actual show, I thought I’d share a few images of Mr. Momoa which should be enough to get you locked in on a new binge.
If you Google “See + Apple TV + Momoa” this is the classic image that comes up.
Fun fact : I read he lit that fire behind him simply by looking at it the way he is looking at us now.
This one is from a super sad part where terrible things happen, but if you rewatch it on mute and pay attention to the way he moves around, it’s one of the sexiest things on television. Plus there is mud, so, yeah.
It also turns out that Momoa is hot from behind, which shouldn’t come as a surprise, but if it does…
…the proof is in the pudding! Also, can someone please explain what that phrase means? Sorry, but HUH?
OK, this image is not from See, but I’ve had a lot of people asking if Momoa is hot when he is wet and the answer is yes. Have you seen Aquaman? If not, stop reading and go watch it immediately for more drenched clothing (and not clothing) sexiness like this. Also, Game of Thrones (wowza), but that’s a convo for another day.
So the moral of this story is that yes, indeed, Jason Momoa is hot.
What did I think of the show? I may have to rewatch it and actually pay attention, but yes, I enjoyed it and watched both seasons in a weekend. I realize I may have a bit of a television addiction, but I’d like to justify my actions by having you start at the beginning of this post and review the images once more. Yep, there you go.
After you have finished See please hit me up on Twitter because I have a few questions and no, none of them are about Momoa.